Little Black Dog Blog

& the art of over-engineering

Cleaning up Flickr's Asinine Auto-uploaded Albums

First of all… why?? If you Google around for things like “mass delete flickr album”, you’ll find a lot of people on personal blogs and the flickr forum complaining about Flickr’s desktop auto-uploader creating a friggin massive amount of albums. The uploader creates an album for every single folder it...

Seoul food

I had a trip to South Korea in September, for a fusion engineering conference on Jeju Island (my work was… OK). After the conference I took a side trip to Seoul to visit some old Korean friends I hadn’t seen since 2008. Back in ‘08, we were all studying Chinese...


Cindy and some friends joined me on a trip down to San Diego to tour a few breweries for my 33rd (good lord!) birthday. The pictures have been dumped to my main flickr repository on for breweries. It was a helluva lot of fun. And some of the best beer...

LaTeX package: siunitx

The first time I saw anyone mention the 1 siunitx package for $\latex$ on the tex stackexchange was for formatting and alignment of different size numbers in tables. For example, if I had a column in a table with numbers like 1092.22 and 0.4 and 100, the default centering (or...

Molly's adoption

三年前,我騎我的自行車到海灘,在那裡一邊喝咖啡,一邊看太平洋。我在休息的時候,前面有一個男人跟他狗玩得很高興,我看到這個就很想我以前養的狗,感覺很悲愁。我那時候就決定,我不要等到畢業、找工作、搬到別的地方才養狗。回家以後,我告訴我女朋友,無論我們的公寓讓不讓我們養狗,我就要養,那天晚上我就馬上在網絡上看洛杉磯的animal shelters。 我不知道我女朋友同時給她的叔叔打電話。她的叔叔現在住在舊金山,他也收養了一些狗。她叔叔說有一個台灣的組織讓外國人收養台灣的狗!我女朋友告訴了我這個消息,我就覺得為了收養台灣的狗,應該會花很多錢。總之我們去看這個組織的網站,。發現了台灣動物緊急救援小組會免費的送狗到洛杉磯,喜歡狗以後就可以隨便得捐贈給他們。 這是我狗的故事。從台灣動物緊急救援小組的網站(我狗以前的名字叫EVA): Eva、Irene - 今年二月初,台灣動物緊急救援小組大隊長在執行例行性巡邏時,途經高雄市燕巢區一處養豬場旁,發現有兩隻剛出生不久的小幼犬穿梭在附近的草堆內,動物救援小組大隊長靠近仔細查看後發現兩隻小狗身上都患有嚴重的皮膚病,又不見母狗在身旁照顧,動物救援小組大隊長便將兩隻小幼犬送往動物醫院接受皮膚病治療,並會在狗兒療程結束恢復健康後,為牠們尋找溫暖新家。 這是我狗在洛杉磯怎麼過日子: 如今這隻狗我非常愛。我每天要早一點回家跟她玩,跟她去散步一下。這個台灣土狗,我愛得甚至想要多收養一隻土狗,讓她有妹妹可以一起玩。如果你也想收養一隻台灣土狗,可以去savedogs.org英文網站,看到很多可憐的台灣土狗,給牠們一個新生活。請看一下台灣動物緊急救援小組的錄像: